Dearest Family, friends, beloved followers and prayer warriors,
It is bittersweet that we are writing this post to you today. We are overjoyed that Devin has been released to go home and doctors believe that he is well enough to leave the hospital and begin his long road to recovery, but we are brokenhearted that he doesn't get to begin his recovery with his Mommy.
On September 27, 2011, Devin celebrated his birthday with his Mommy Katy, Nannie (Robin who is Grandma) and other family members in the Adams family. They had the most amazing day filled with joy, happiness, love and celebration of their precious little boy. That evening, Robin (Devin's Grandma) took Devin to his father’s house and dropped off a perfectly healthy HAPPY little boy so his father could see him on his birthday. It wasn't long after, that Robin had been notified that Devin was being rushed to the E.R at Pomona Valley hospital, which at the time was being described as shortness of breath according to Devin's father’s family who were responsible for Devin at the time. At the hospital doctors came to the conclusion that he had sustained severe trauma to the back of his skull resulting in 2 fractures, brain swelling and bleeding of the brain. Tests later revealed that he suffered a stroke on the left side of his brain, leaving the right side of his body paralyzed. They removed the left side of his skull to allow for swelling and at the time they didn't know if he was going to survive.
29 days ago we didn't know what Devin's prognosis was going to be or if he would even survive this horrific abuse. He has become our miracle baby, has been a true testament to the power of prayer and God's willingness to prove that He has a purpose and a plan for all of us. Devin is currently able to move his left side completely, he is visually stimulated, can focus his attention and can recognize his loved ones. He pulls at our faces, primarily our noses, and tries to put his hands in anyone’s mouth! He is hearing voices and able to respond, he is able to sit up if someone supports his right side, has full mobility of his neck and is able to lift his hips. We were able to visit him on Sunday and he is a completely different child from 2 weeks ago even right down to BIG smile that fill our hearts.
During the past few weeks we have witnessed people giving their hearts to Lord, repenting their sins and Devin's story has truly affected thousands of people. We have received hundreds of comments, emails, texts and messages all of which have touched the Adams family in an immeasurable way. We are ALL so grateful for the support that you show and we ask that you continue to help encourage and lift up this little boy and the Adams family as this tragedy continues.
The investigation began, all parties involved were questioned, there were multiple meetings, forensic investigators and detectives began their investigation to determine who was responsible. Doctors have clearly stated that the injuries that Devin sustained were not accidental.
There were MANY sleepless nights, we have all had our opinions or suspicions and have had LOTS of questions, but in order to give the authorities respect for the situation we have all tried to be patient and give them time to unravel the truth.
Yesterday the Adams family's world came tumbling down, the custody hearing was scheduled and all parties were to be at court at 9:30. Katy and the Adams family walked in confident, with the support of their lawyer, and discussions from their CPS social worker. Katy met with her lawyer at the court house, and the unimaginable happened, the lawyer, advised her that according the paperwork from the authorities that she was still being named as a suspect and that Devin was going to be placed in protective custody and was going to foster care.
It wasn’t a minute later that the social workers, as well as other authorities were in Devin’s hospital room, removing him from a family friend and handing him over to foster care. Katy and the Adams family were not able to say goodbye to their baby boy. Katy is absolutely devastated, she doesn’t know where Devin is, who the person is that is supposed to be taking care of her little boy or if he is ok. She has not spent a night away from Devin and is completely broken hearted. She is the ONLY person that Devin should be with, she knows how to take care of him, she has been the constant strength for Devin, the reason he is thriving and doing so well and they belong together!
We are asking that you continue your prayers, please BEG God to help us find justice, to bring this baby back to his Mommy. Please pray for the woman that has custody of Devin, that she has gentle hands since he is SO fragile, he still does not have the bone flap back protecting his brain. Pray that she protect this little boy and love him as her own until he can be back in his mother’s loving arms. Please pray for Katy and the Adams family, pray for their strength, understanding, and peace and let them feel God’s love.
We also ask that you all continue to have FAITH through this horrible tragedy.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not upon your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6

All of these pictures are from Sunday evening, the night before Devin was taken into CPS custody... Remember this sweet face, picture his smiles and trust in the Lord that he will be reunited with his Mommy again!
Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Romans 12:15-18