Hello All,
We are sorry we are just getting the information about Devin's doctors appointment to you.
Everything went very well. The doctors are all astounded at his progress and have all fallen in love with him, just like the rest of us. Ü
His surgery remains successful, the fluid doesn't appear to be a problem and they have not noticed an increase in the fluid since they did the draining in the hospital. They addressed the fullness of the left side of his head above his ear and the doctors have explained that the muscles in that area have become atrophied. Basically he has lost the muscle tone, which he may get back once the bone flap that was replaced begins to become "alive" again. The blood vessels will likely adhere to the skin on the interior portion of his head and cause that skin to tighten back up. He will have his stitches removed in a week and has been such a trooper through this whole ordeal.
He currently is seeing an occupational and physical therapist and they are working diligently to get his right side moving. They are noticing that he is beginning to have movement on that side, and when stimulated in the correct way he is showing signs of trying to sit up on his own, and will eventually get to the point where he can pull him self up onto the furniture (i.e coffee table/couch) much like a toddler trying to learn to walk.
He has learned what kisses are... when you ask him for a kiss he will lean in with an open mouth and give you a wet one!
We ask that you continue your prayers in his recovery and healing. Please pray for his right side to become stronger and that his brain be able to "rewire" itself so he can have the potential of full mobility.
Please pray for Katy and the rest of the Adams family as they learn to care for Devin on a 24 hour basis. His needs are so important to them and they are willing to lay down their lives for this precious little boy. We encourage you to remember to continue to lift them in prayer and ask that the Lord give them strength and patience throughout this difficult time.
Many blessings to you all!
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:15-17 ESV
Monday, January 30, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
He's home!!
Hi friends, family and loved ones!!
Devin is home! Doctors were able to drain the fluid one more time and sent Devin home to rest and recover. He will go back on Friday for a check up, so PLEASE pray that the fluid continues to resolve itself and stays drained so he will not have to have a shunt!
Thank you and we are always so grateful for your loving support and constant prayers!
Much love,
Devin is home! Doctors were able to drain the fluid one more time and sent Devin home to rest and recover. He will go back on Friday for a check up, so PLEASE pray that the fluid continues to resolve itself and stays drained so he will not have to have a shunt!
Thank you and we are always so grateful for your loving support and constant prayers!
Much love,
Monday, January 23, 2012
Well today was the day we thought Devin was going home.. But he is going to have to stay a few more days. While his CT results came back good today, the doctors are concerned with some of the fluid that remains between Devin's skull and the skin of his head.
They are hopeful that the fluid will resolve itself and a shunt won't be needed but they are going to need to monitor him for a couple more days. Today, they used a needle to drain the fluid beneath the skin (just above his left ear). They will continue to measure the fluid build up and may potentially drain it over the next couple days. We will keep you notified regarding the issue.
On a lighter note, Devin is doing so well. He is chatty, babbling A LOT, moving around, does NOT want to be in his "cage" (crib) and will not sleep for anything! He is showing more movement on his right side, his arm is moving from his shoulder, his leg is moving from his hip, and when he is mad/frustrated he will move both his arm and leg. His pulse ox is on his right big toe and when it falls off and they try to put it back on he bends his toe as if he is trying to not let you put it back on... little stinker!
The first 3 photos are from last night and the one with the bandage on his head is from today because of the draining. (Sorry they are blurry... he wouldn't stay still long enough to capture a shot Ü)

Also, in the video he was being held standing up... he LOVES being up instead of sitting down. **Notice the bulge above his left ear... that is where the fluid is accumulating and that is where it was drained** We hope this brightens your day and that you will continue to keep up the prayers for Devin and Katy.
Thank you all!
God Bless
They are hopeful that the fluid will resolve itself and a shunt won't be needed but they are going to need to monitor him for a couple more days. Today, they used a needle to drain the fluid beneath the skin (just above his left ear). They will continue to measure the fluid build up and may potentially drain it over the next couple days. We will keep you notified regarding the issue.
On a lighter note, Devin is doing so well. He is chatty, babbling A LOT, moving around, does NOT want to be in his "cage" (crib) and will not sleep for anything! He is showing more movement on his right side, his arm is moving from his shoulder, his leg is moving from his hip, and when he is mad/frustrated he will move both his arm and leg. His pulse ox is on his right big toe and when it falls off and they try to put it back on he bends his toe as if he is trying to not let you put it back on... little stinker!
The first 3 photos are from last night and the one with the bandage on his head is from today because of the draining. (Sorry they are blurry... he wouldn't stay still long enough to capture a shot Ü)
Also, in the video he was being held standing up... he LOVES being up instead of sitting down. **Notice the bulge above his left ear... that is where the fluid is accumulating and that is where it was drained** We hope this brightens your day and that you will continue to keep up the prayers for Devin and Katy.
Thank you all!
God Bless
Friday, January 20, 2012
The little guy!
Good Morning All,
Devin is doing great! Once again the surgery was successful. The neurosurgeon was able to replace the bone flap to Devin's existing skull. He had to use 5 metal plates to adhere the bone. Structural it looks really good and the neurosurgeon was very happy with the results. Devin still had some excess fluid within his cranium and they attempted to drain that fluid but were unable to do so. At this point they are unaware as to whether it will be a problem or not. He will be monitored for 24 hours in the ICU and then will be moved to a regular room. When he woke from anesthesia he was a bit "groggy" but fully aware of his surroundings and had his big beautiful eyes open taking it all in. Mommy slept by his side last night just like she did for the month that he was in the hospital before. They are SO blessed to have each other!
We anticipate receiving more information from Katy today and will update you all when we have more information.
Keep the prayers coming for a successful recovery.
Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations... Deuteronomy 7:9

Devin is doing great! Once again the surgery was successful. The neurosurgeon was able to replace the bone flap to Devin's existing skull. He had to use 5 metal plates to adhere the bone. Structural it looks really good and the neurosurgeon was very happy with the results. Devin still had some excess fluid within his cranium and they attempted to drain that fluid but were unable to do so. At this point they are unaware as to whether it will be a problem or not. He will be monitored for 24 hours in the ICU and then will be moved to a regular room. When he woke from anesthesia he was a bit "groggy" but fully aware of his surroundings and had his big beautiful eyes open taking it all in. Mommy slept by his side last night just like she did for the month that he was in the hospital before. They are SO blessed to have each other!
We anticipate receiving more information from Katy today and will update you all when we have more information.
Keep the prayers coming for a successful recovery.
Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations... Deuteronomy 7:9
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Surgery Update
Devin is out of surgery! It went as planned and the bone flap was replaced successfully. He will remain in the hospital at least until Monday. We hope to have more information soon and will update you all with details as we get them!
Blessings to you all and thank you for all of your prayers today!!
Blessings to you all and thank you for all of your prayers today!!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Surgery Postponed AGAIN!
Good Evening...
Devin's surgery has been postponed again due to a scheduling conflict. He will have his bone flap surgery on Thursday the 19th. We will notify you once his surgery is complete.
THANK you for your constant prayers and support!!
Blessings Ü
“Cast not away your confidence because God defers his performances. That which does not come in your time, will be hastened in his time, which is always the more convenient season. God will work when he pleases, how he pleases, and by what means he pleases. He is not bound to keep our time, but he will perform his word, honour our faith, and reward them that diligently seek him.” ~ Matthew Henry
Devin's surgery has been postponed again due to a scheduling conflict. He will have his bone flap surgery on Thursday the 19th. We will notify you once his surgery is complete.
THANK you for your constant prayers and support!!
Blessings Ü
“Cast not away your confidence because God defers his performances. That which does not come in your time, will be hastened in his time, which is always the more convenient season. God will work when he pleases, how he pleases, and by what means he pleases. He is not bound to keep our time, but he will perform his word, honour our faith, and reward them that diligently seek him.” ~ Matthew Henry
Monday, January 9, 2012
Hello Everyone,
Devin's surgery has been rescheduled! He will have surgery on January 17th. Please keep Devin in your prayers and we will continue to update regarding the details of his surgery when we get them.
In the meantime... ENJOY some fun pictures of Devin at The Happiest Place on Earth!
Blessings! Ü

Devin's surgery has been rescheduled! He will have surgery on January 17th. Please keep Devin in your prayers and we will continue to update regarding the details of his surgery when we get them.
In the meantime... ENJOY some fun pictures of Devin at The Happiest Place on Earth!
Blessings! Ü
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Surgery postponed
Hello All,
We got notice from Katy this morning that Devin's surgery has been postponed. Please continue your prayers and we will notify you when we have more information.
Thank you!
God Bless and have a wonderful day!
We got notice from Katy this morning that Devin's surgery has been postponed. Please continue your prayers and we will notify you when we have more information.
Thank you!
God Bless and have a wonderful day!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Hello Everyone!

I have felt compelled to write to you myself, Devin's mom. I have been rereading through the blog from the very beginning tonight, including comments, and in a way it seems as though I am reading someone else's story. I have told "our" story so many times now that I don't even connect to it anymore. I try to live each day as it comes and now that he is home, everything is right in this world again; or so I would like to believe at least. There is a huge part of this story that we have tried very hard to stay away from. I am asked daily by someone about how this injury actually occurred; it is very difficult as a mother not to know exactly myself. One thing has been made very clear to us is that this was NOT an accident. The person who is believed to have caused the injury is currently in jail pending trial for 2 child abuse charges; has a million dollar bail, and we have a restraining order against them. Although I do feel safe with my child in my home, I am wracked with nightmares in which I am transported into the room where Devin was hurt and all I can do is watch, I can't stop it. Each time he is hurt in a different way, as though my brain is trying to figure it out. Sorry we aren't going to be giving out any more information but this person is not convicted yet. We also want to keep this blog more about Devin's recovery as to not upset anyone who still wants to believe that somehow this was just some sort of accident.
This is going to be a long emotional year, but I am hopeful it will still be great, and how can't it not be now that my baby is home. We do have some big news to announce and that is Devin's Surgery has been scheduled for this Thursday, January 5th. The Neurosurgeon said that he is looking good and that he is ready for the skull to be put back in. They were worried if they waited too much longer, the piece they removed would be too small to fit back in. If that does happen we were informed that they will fill in any gaps with medical putty. The wonderful Lori, who has been keeping you all updated up till now, has been such a godsend to us to take on this responsibility. She will continue to update for us whenever any new information is here. Please keep praying for my son and my family. He is home now we are trying to rebuild our life together. It was hard; in one hour on his Birthday, my son changed from this perfectly happy, healthy boy to a potentially permanently disabled boy. We don't love him any less, but I'm not going to lie and say I don't miss how he used to be, or dream about what he could have been. I have faith that our Lord is going to work in him and though him for some great things. Thank you all so very much for being our supporters.
One last note, over the last 2 months I have been blessed to cross paths with some of you. Strangers have somehow heard of my son and followed this blog. It mostly happens when I need uplifting the most, like the woman ringing me up at Staples and asked if I am Devin's mom. To know that so many people I do know, as well as so many I don't, are praying for my son has helped get me through this. So if you see me and my son, please feel free coming up to us and introducing yourself, I would love to meet you all. Also if you feel comfortable, please respond to this post with your name, and how you heard about us, I would like to get to know you all a little better.
Feel free to e-mail me or find me on Facebook:
Again thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Katy Adams
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