We have lots to share with you and LOTS of pictures for you to enjoy!!
Katy and Nannie were able to meet up with Devin and his caregiver Ron on Sunday for a community CHRISTmas party. The event is a sponsored event for foster children and their families. They had a FUN filled day! Pictures with Santa, presents, yummy treats, playing in the "snow", meeting Ronald McDonald, sleeping in Mommy's arms and spending precious time with one another.
On Monday, Devin started physical therapy and Gampy (Devin's Grandpa) was able to be at his appointment. The therapist says he is doing very well. They have given the caregivers as well as the family some exercises to do with Devin. Many of the exercises will work on the right side of his body which still remains paralyzed, although they are seeing movement in his right leg and some movement in his right arm. The therapist stated that they are optimistic that he will regain control of those limbs and that they will be able to function properly. Currently the right hand (primarily the fingers) is their only concern. Let's pray that with an increase in therapy and new exercises he will regain movement on that side of his body and God will continue to heal his body and make him well.
Devin's cranial swelling has decreased drastically. His cranial circumference is going down and his body is reabsorbing the fluid in his brain. Devin has appointment with his neurosurgeon on December 9th and this appointment will be crucial in deciding when his bone flap surgery will be scheduled. It will also provide answers to whether he will need the shunt. *Remember in previous posts that if the swelling didn't decrease a shunt was going to be needed to continually drain this fluid.* We are hopeful that it will not be necessary! Please check back in a few days as we will have an update regarding Devin's doctor's appointment that is schedule this Friday.
We also want to remind you that December 21st is going to be here before we know it. This is a very important date! The custody trial that occurred on November 21st was postponed and reschedule for December 21st. This is the day that will determine if Katy and Devin will be reunited with one another. Please pray for their reunification!
Thank you for you constant prayers and well wishes. We hope that you are all enjoying this blessed season and remember how blessed we all are among the hustle and bustle of the holidays! May you all remember the true meaning of CHRISTmas and enjoy the reason for the season!
"Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness." (Phil 2:4-7, NIV)

This little guy fell asleep in the car on the way to see Mommy at a visit!

*CHRISTmas party on Sunday*
Mmmmmm COOKIES! Nannie was eating a cookie and Devin decided to take a chunk off and chowed down! This was such an exciting moment because he has primarily been eating soft/pureed food and he did so well eating his yummy treat!
Playing in the snow...
Nannie bought Devin a churro and he LOVED it. He nibbled and smothered the sugar all over his face and thoroughly enjoy every minute! He held onto his yummy treat for over an HOUR!! Ü
Cuddle time and sleepy sweet dreams in Mommy's arms

Physical therapy! Chewing on Spongebobs pants!
What a wonderful post! This is just beautiful to see. I especially love the pic of him sleeping with those eyelashes floating across his rosy red cheeks! We love you precious Little Man and we WILL see you soon... tucked in where HE knows you will blossom. xo
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweetheart! So tearfully happy to see Devin doing so well and getting to spend time with his mommy. I Love all the precious and heart-warming photos. I have complete faith that Devin will regain control of his right side as he so rightfully deserves to. I will continue to pray for the reunitement of mommy and Devin. Its the only right thing to do. I hope the court will see it this way. God bless.
ReplyDeleteI love these pictures! They make me laugh and cry at the same time, and I realize that not too long ago the pictures all made me cry for a different reason. It is just so amazing how he has healed, how we have all been able to see GODS hand in Devin's healing and I have complete faith that HIS healing hands are continually wrapped around our boy, holding him, rocking him, comforting him and now helping him in his physical therapy. Count on us for continued prayer and hang in there Katy, you are the best Mom, remember that God chose you to be Devin's mommie, He knew you were the perfect choice for him
ReplyDeleteHe looks so good!!!!! Will be praying for many things and keeping 12/21 at the top of that list!