This is me, Devin and his cousin Paige at her 1st Birthday party... the day before we went back to the hospital this last time.
Hi there!
This is Katy again, sorry it has been awhile but we did make it home last week on the 16th. Its been a crazy 11 days to say the least. Devin was released on 2 intravenous medications as well as one taken orally, plus an iron supplement. Upon coming home the real fun began.... not. Yes we were able to sleep in our own beds but his medication schedule keeps me up most of the night and i quickly came down with a cold. To top it off i fell down the stairs and sprained my ankle and further injured my back, making all the tasks of taking care of Devin that much harder.
Thank you for praying for my mom, she is healing up faster then I had expected and she along with my father have been a tremendous help, i am able to take a short nap between his meds everyday with them watching him. Please continue to prayer for my mom as the pain from her incision is still extremely painful.
As far as Devin is concerned he is a real champ! if you saw us on the street(which we never are), i am not sure besides the helmet anyone would ever conceive what an ordeal he has been through. he is our happy resilient boy as ever. This thursday we have an appointment with his infectious disease Doctor to see how well the antibiotics are working to clear up his MRSA. Then on friday we will go see his favorite Neurosurgeon(Best in the world...in my mind), He is just getting a check up, as well as his sutures removed. I come to you asking for prayer...again. In the next couple weeks we have some court dates in the criminal court as well as the Dependency court, please pray for strength as well as justice. Everywhere i go i am constantly looking over my shoulder to see if i see the person who did this to Devin. Oh did i mention they somehow made bond and is roaming the streets, and they live 2 blocks from me.
Enough about that person! what's exciting is Devin will be getting his 18 month pictures taken as well as our spring pictures:) i am super excited and i want her to take extra special shots of his I.V. and scar, because even though many would look at him and see what's wrong with him, i see a perfect beautiful angel. Photography will be done by Theresia Villanueva from www.theresiaphotography.com, she is absolutely amazing with a camera and has taken all of Devin's since he was 3 months old. I will display them as soon as i get them back from her.

With so much LOVE and APPRECIATION!