The MRI results showed that some time after the fracture that he had suffered a severe stroke on the left side of his brain which will effect his speech, his ability to understand language and his ability to move his right side.
Devin just went into surgery about 20 minutes ago to remove the left side of his skull. They are going to take as much skull to relieve some of the pressure. The surgery is going to be about 3-4 hours with prep.
Please keep baby Devin in your prayers.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God! This is such a scary and stressful time. It's SO hard to see all those tubes and wires coming out of such a little body. I know you don't know us but Paul Swanson is my husband's cousin and I just wanted to write you an encouraging note. Our prayers are with you - Katy for peace, the doctors and nurses for God's guidance and especially for little Devin and his healing. Make sure you take time for yourself so you don't get too run down. He needs for you to be well so you can be there for him!