Long time no see! We hope that you are all doing well and your lives are being abundantly blessed.
I talked to Katy tonight and am excited to give you an update on Devin!!
He is doing WONDERFULLY!!! Ü
He is making great progress, he started crawling last week and just a couple of days ago he has started to WALK around the coffee table! PRAISE THE LORD.
Katy took Devin in for a check up yesterday and blood results concluded that his infection is gone. NO more antibiotics and he is infection FREE!
Overall life is good, Katy is enjoying have her little man back and loves seeing him progress daily. They currently have an in home nurse that comes and visits everyday and spends a lot of time with Devin working on his rehibilitation and therapy. They enjoy going for walks and the family just loves her. This has been such a blessing for Katy and the rest of the family and they are so grateful for her dedication to Devin.
We will continue to provide you updates and can not begin to thank you for your constant prayers and support! We hope to have some new pictures of the little man soon and are hoping to get a video of the little miracle baby in action!!
Take Care and God Bless!