Monday, November 17, 2014

Justice has finally been served!

James David Higbee was found guilty on both charges pertaining to the assault on my son more then 3 long years ago. We have purposely been vague about what happened until the trial was over and now that it is, there is no need.

On my son Devin's first birthday we spent a beautiful day at Disneyland, we had a blast! I would say that was one of the best days of my life and most definitely the worst. The relationship I had with James at the time was tense to say the least, and less than a week prior I had served him with custody papers. Since then James had come to my house multiple times screaming at me so he had not seen his son until the night of his birthday when I finally relented. Less then 45 min after Devin was dropped off 911 was called for a possible asthma attack (devin doesn't have asthma) and when they got him to the hospital they found 2 skull fractures. No one saw what happened and James never admitted anything but the jury today found him guilty of abusing his son and causing his injuries. This is a day we have all waited for, for 3 years. It still seems surreal but finally justice has been served.

I'm not sure the exact wording of the charges but count 1 was assault on a child under the age of 8 resulting in a comatose or paralytic condition which from what I've been told results in a sentence of 25 years to life. Count 2 is child abuse, neglect or endangerment. Sentencing will be December 16th and that is when we will find out the extent of his prison term.

This is where I say thank you! Thank to all of the family and friends who have come day after day to court to support our little boy. Thank to those of you praying for us, it's gotten us through the medical ups and downs, the emotion ups and downs, and has brought us peace now knowing this monster is locked up. I also want to thank all the jurors for seeing the truth behind the lies and sticking through this very long month. Lastly I want to thank our wonderful lord and savior above for making all this possible!

Glory be to God,
Katy & Devin


  1. I have been following your story for 3 years! I am so happy to see that justice has been served and you and your sweet little boy can move on, as much as you can, from this. The strength you have showed over the years is remarkable. As a mom of 3 boys, your story stood out to me. Again I am so happy for you both!

  2. Love you so much friend. You are a strong woman and Devin is blessed to have you as his mommy. So glad that this long awaited moment has finally done and you ask can move on to simply moving on that sweet boy. Silvia

  3. My name is David Hill, I am friends of Lorrie and Roger. I met both you and Devin (I believe around Christmas time a year ago). I/my wife/our lifegroup have been praying that Devin would receive justice, and he has!

    I am overwhelmed with thoughts of vindication for the eternal value of Devin's life right now. This verdict declares with the voice of all civilization how precious Devin is.

    Justice for Devin!

    All our love to the both of you.
    David Hill

  4. We are glad the trial is finally over and that justice has prevailed. We offer prayers for you, Devin and your family that you have God's peace in your hearts as you move forward from this terrible ordeal. God bless you all.

  5. God is good...I have followed this story as well from his Disneyland trip to the many ups and downs throughout the last 3 years.... your stregnth and courage is amazing. So glad that you can finally put this to rest and justice has been served!!!

  6. This is great news. Let's hope the plenty is a severe and the system allows!
