Monday, November 17, 2014

Justice has finally been served!

James David Higbee was found guilty on both charges pertaining to the assault on my son more then 3 long years ago. We have purposely been vague about what happened until the trial was over and now that it is, there is no need.

On my son Devin's first birthday we spent a beautiful day at Disneyland, we had a blast! I would say that was one of the best days of my life and most definitely the worst. The relationship I had with James at the time was tense to say the least, and less than a week prior I had served him with custody papers. Since then James had come to my house multiple times screaming at me so he had not seen his son until the night of his birthday when I finally relented. Less then 45 min after Devin was dropped off 911 was called for a possible asthma attack (devin doesn't have asthma) and when they got him to the hospital they found 2 skull fractures. No one saw what happened and James never admitted anything but the jury today found him guilty of abusing his son and causing his injuries. This is a day we have all waited for, for 3 years. It still seems surreal but finally justice has been served.

I'm not sure the exact wording of the charges but count 1 was assault on a child under the age of 8 resulting in a comatose or paralytic condition which from what I've been told results in a sentence of 25 years to life. Count 2 is child abuse, neglect or endangerment. Sentencing will be December 16th and that is when we will find out the extent of his prison term.

This is where I say thank you! Thank to all of the family and friends who have come day after day to court to support our little boy. Thank to those of you praying for us, it's gotten us through the medical ups and downs, the emotion ups and downs, and has brought us peace now knowing this monster is locked up. I also want to thank all the jurors for seeing the truth behind the lies and sticking through this very long month. Lastly I want to thank our wonderful lord and savior above for making all this possible!

Glory be to God,
Katy & Devin

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Trial: Day 17 (4th Week) Closing statements

Wow I'm a little speechless. These last 4 weeks have been grueling to say the least but there is finally an end in sight. Friday was the closing arguments and the way it goes is the prosecution starts then the defense gets their chance and finally the prosecution gets to go again and have the final word. I think I can speak for everyone in attendance (at least on our side) and say that we experienced every emotion in the book. We giggled and rolled ours eyes at the way they tried to twist our words we got angry at him at times as well as angry at the defendant for doing this to our miracle boy. We cried with sadness over what Devin had to endure (and continues to endure) as well as cry with joy when the D.A. brought it home when she ended strongly.

As much happiness we have that this step is done, we ask for prayer once again for the jury.  They were overwhelmed this month with so much information and I just plead with God that they can see the truth in all of it. They hold the future of my sons life and safety in their hands. I just keep hoping they fully understand the enormity of the job they have and take it very seriously and consider everything. I also pray that after this is all over completely that they are able to move on and not be affected negatively in their on lives by what they have seen and heard.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for going through this with us, whether it was physically being in the court room or just keeping my family in your prayers. God has been glorified through this horrendous act and we will keep on glorifying him for his continued work in our lives. As the D.A. said yesterday this boy's life was circling the drain and I believe that Devin is only still with us by the grace of our holy God above.

Katy Adams

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Trial: Day 16 (4th week)

The defendant was on the stand until lunch break and then Devins doctor was on after. I didn't end up having to take the stand again(thank goodness) and the testimony portion of the trial is now OVER!!!

Closing statements are supposed to take the greater part of tomorrow and then it's all up to the jury. I ask for prayer for the district attorney to present a great closing argument as well as for the jury to see the truth in all of this. Thank you to everyone who has gone through this with us whether it be in person or through prayer. We appreciate the support we have received more then you all could ever know!

Closing statements begin at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow at Pomona courthouse (400 Civic Center Plaza #101 Pomona, CA) floor 5 department L. If anyone does want to come to the trial and watch please do not post any details on fb or any other social media site. Also while in the hallway in front of the courtroom do not talk about the case at all, this is a biggie, the jury is standing among you basically.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Trial: Day 15 (4th week)

Today the only two on the stand were the defendant and one of Devin's doctors, and they are not done with either of them. Both will be back on the stand tomorrow and then maybe me if they finish. 

Tomorrow(Thursday) the trial starts at 9:00 a.m. at Pomona courthouse (400 Civic Center Plaza #101 Pomona, CA) floor 5 department L. If anyone does want to come to the trial and watch please do not post any details on fb or any other social media site. Also while in the hallway in front of the courtroom do not talk about the case at all, this is a biggie, the jury is standing among you basically.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Trial: Day's 13 and 14 (4 week)

Sorry for the delay but I will start off with last Friday's court day. It was the defenses turn to call witnesses and so they put on their two expert doctors. Who have never met Devin in person and who are being paid to support the defenses claims. All I hear is that our wonderful district attorney was able to put what they were saying in context and strip away a little bit of the doctors credibility hooray!

At yesterday's  precedings I was told that our amazing Dr. Sadanand took the stand again and was able to strip just a little bit more of the defenses experts credibility. Then to everyone's surprise (but mine) the defendant actually took the stand in his own defense. Part of me wishes I knew more about that crazy man said but part of me is glad I don't. I probably would have been sick hearing him talk about "his son" and how much he supposedly loves him. Makes me sick just thinking about it.

Well tomorrow the defendant will finish up his time on the stand. Tentatively he will be followed by another one of Devins doctors and then there is a possibility I will have to take the stand again ugh.

We need prayers more then ever this week, this whole ordeal is really bringing us down. Things are starting to wind down a little and closing statements may be as soon as Thursday! I just keep praying the the jury see's through all the rehearsed stories and sees the truth in everyone's hearts. There is only one family this boy belongs with and that it with me and Devin's loving grandparents.

Tomorrow(Wednesday) the trial starts at 9:00 a.m. at Pomona courthouse (400 Civic Center Plaza #101 Pomona, CA) floor 5 department L. If anyone does want to come to the trial and watch please do not post any details on fb or any other social media site. Also while in the hallway in front of the courtroom do not talk about the case at all, this is a biggie, the jury is standing among you basically.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Trial: Day 12 (3rd week)

The defense started today with one of their two "experts" as well as a private investigator. I haven't been told anything other then it was still a good day for us. Don't know who is on tomorrow, maybe the other "expert" and then possibly closing statements soon? Anyways... I am just so ready for this to be over!

Tomorrow(Friday) the trial starts at 9:30a.m. at Pomona courthouse (400 Civic Center Plaza #101 Pomona, CA) floor 5 department L. If anyone does want to come to the trial and watch please do not post any details on fb or any other social media site. Also while in the hallway in front of the courtroom do not talk about the case at all, this is a biggie, the jury is standing among you basically.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Trial: Day 11 (3rd week)

Well the prosecution has rested after another long day of testimony from the forensic pediatrician. They put me back on the stand for maybe 30 mins to clarify some errors that the defendants family and friends have apparently told. Thursday and Friday the defense will be putting on their experts or as I loving call them the liars for hire:) Hopefully things will start wrapping up here pretty soon, there will be court this friday but no court on Tuesday.

Tomorrow(Thursday) the trial starts at 9a.m. at Pomona courthouse (400 Civic Center Plaza #101 Pomona, CA) floor 5 department L. If anyone does want to come to the trial and watch please do not post any details on fb or any other social media site. Also while in the hallway in front of the courtroom do not talk about the case at all, this is a biggie, the jury is standing among you basically.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Trial: Day 10 (3rd week)

Well this is just a quick update. The forensic pediatirician was again on most of the day and I have heard he is utterly fascinating. Also on the stand today was Devin's pediatrician that we have had since he was just a tiny baby.

Tomorrow(Wednesday) the forensic pediatrician will be finishing up and then I am once again being called after lunch at 1:30. The trial starts at 10 a.m. at Pomona courthouse (400 Civic Center Plaza #101 Pomona, CA) floor 5 department L. If anyone does want to come to the trial and watch please do not post any details on fb or any other social media site. Also while in the hallway in front of the courtroom do not talk about the case at all, this is a biggie, the jury is standing among you basically.

I have asked this numerous times before but please keep me and my whole family in your prayers. As you can probably understand this is a very trying time for all of us. Also please keep me in your prayers tomorrow specifically, that I will remain clear headed and speak the truth. I pray this is the last time I have to get up there and that this whole thing will be over soon!

With all the gratefulness and love in this world,

Monday, November 3, 2014

Trial: Day 9 (3rd week)

Our "star" witnesses were on the stand today! Oh how I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when those 2 doctors explained what had to have happened as well as their predictions for Devin's progress. One of the doctors has been around since the first day in the hospital and has performed 4 out of Devin's 6 skull surgeries(so obviously we love him) the other doctor works with Loma linda and is a Forensic Pediatrician who specializes in child abuse(I read this online). Honestly from what I've been told this doctor sounds fascinating and Im almost 99.9% sure I've never even met him. Ive heard and read his name countless times and I so wish I could be there to meet him and thank him for taking the time to come out to help us get justice for Devin. Devin can't speak for himself yet so we his family, friends, doctors and teachers need to stand up and and give this beautiful boy a voice.

Tomorrow(Tuesday) the trial starts with(tentatively) the forensic pediatrtion followed by Devin's general Pediatrician at 10 a.m. at Pomona courthouse (400 Civic Center Plaza #101 Pomona, CA) floor 5 department L. If anyone does want to come to the trial and watch please do not post any details on fb or any other social media site. Also while in the hallway in front of the courtroom do not talk about the case at all, this is a biggie, the jury is standing among you basically.


I am testifying again in the next two days to clarify and maybe rebuff some claims about me. Please continue your prayers for our family but more than anything else pray for peace and truth!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Trial: Day 8 (2nd week)

Friday's court day the defense called a few witnesses including the defendants mom, a paramedic and our detective, and our detective still said it went well. 

The 3rd week starts Monday at 9:30 a.m. at Pomona courthouse (400 Civic Center Plaza #101 Pomona, CA) floor 5 department L. If anyone does want to come to the trial and watch please do not post any details on fb or any other social media site. Also while in the hallway in front of the courtroom do not talk about the case at all, this is a biggie, the jury is standing among you basically.



We had a fun night spent with neighbors eating pizza, chili, and hot dogs. I wouldn't trade the street we live on for anything, they know how to celebrate the right way! Here's a few photos of our dear little Olaf:)