Hello Friends!
Devin's stats are good! His inter cranial pressure, blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate are all good.
They are currently working on trying to maintain his temperature as he had a fever for a lot of the day. They are trying to bring his fever down from 100 degrees to between 97 and 98 degrees.
They are also attempting to put in arterial catheter: (An arterial line, or art-line, or a-line, is a thin catheter inserted into an artery. It is most commonly used in intensive care medicine and anesthesia to monitor the blood pressure real-time (rather than by intermittent measurement), and to obtain samples for arterial blood gas measurements) Unfortunately they were unsuccessful because they couldn't find a vein so they will be attempting again in a few hours. The primary purpose for this measure is the monitor the amount of blood is flowing to his brain.
Keep up the good prayer works and God bless you all.
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